//// GA LAMA

Investor Relations

BULL is committed to being transparent by providing accurate information to shareholders and stakeholders on a regular basis through quarterly financial releases, share performance updates, rating updates, and press releases.


Date Corporate Action Par Value per Share Number of Share Issued and Fully Paid Number of Shares
May 23, 2011 Initial Public Offering Rp. 100 17,650,000,000 17,650,000,000
November 23, 2011 - May 22, 2014 Total Executed Waran I Rp. 100 150,362  17,650,150,362
March 12, 2015

Reverse Stock

Seri A : Rp. 800

Seri B : Rp. 100





Capital Increase with Non-Pre-Emptive Rights (NPR)

Seri B : Rp. 100



March 6, 2017 Right Issue I - Capital Increase with Pre-Emptive Rights Seri B: Rp100 2,426,895,677  2,647,522,559
March 6, 2017 - February 28, 2020 Total Executed Waran II Seri B: Rp100 801,639,107  3,449,161,666
June 25, 2018 Right Issue II - Capital Increase with Pre-Emptive Rights Seri B: Rp100 2,432,900,623 5,882,062,289 
December 26, 2018 - June 24, 2019 Total Executed Waran III Seri B: Rp100 689,000,980  6,571,063,269
July 3, 2019 Right Issue III - Capital Increase with Pre-Emptive Rights Seri B: Rp100 2,957,099,388  9,528,162,657
August 18, 2021 Capital Increase with Non-Pre-Emptive Rights (NPR) Seri B: Rp100 500,000,000 10,028,162,657
March 7, 2022 685,122,633 10,713,285,290
January 13, 2020 -
June 30, 2022
Total Executed Waran IV Seri B: Rp100 1,198,247,364  11,911,532,654 
Total of Shares 14,117,801,449